Dunnock linocut

Following on from my Siskin linoprint, I have finally finished carving the first block of a Dunnock linocut.

Its about a5 size. And now I’ve carved it, I need to decide what to do next. I hear you cry, but didn’t you have a plan!? Well yes I had in mind what I thought I wanted this print to look like. But now I have printed the proof of this first layer, the black background again is very striking.

Proof on tissue paper , printed by hand

In my idea I would carve it out of the surrounding lino. But leaving it stark black and white with the inky blackness behind has an appeal. I found this with the siskin print, so left the block so I could print it like that as another option.

Any who, decisions to be made and my troble is I usually quite like all the options so find it hard to choose. I should do some sampling to help me decide, but that usually leads to me being distracted and not finishing original idea. Arrrgggh . These are all nice problems to have though, and this is just a nice place to write then down and have a think.

Putting things into the public domain makes me finish things more so than if I don’t share them , so thanks person reading this 😂

Block before being inked

Oops! February, March and Aprils Sketch a Day, best bits…


This was a bit of a cheat , i had missed loads of days so i divided up my page and did loads of little sketches of british birds, cus I love em!

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It was Shakespeares 400th anniversary of his birth the other day , and i was watching the RSC programme on the bbc , they had extracts from shakespear , opera and dance which these very loose sketches was my attempt to capture  a dance between othello and desdemona, big heavy marks for othello and more fluid delicate marks for desdemona.


Januarys Best Bits…

Here we are again! Another month down on my sketch a day project.  January was a mixed bag of drawings. I started the month really energised, but that slowly trickled away till my sketch a day was happening in fits and starts, but I was happy with the earlier sketches from the month. which these are some .

Febuary so far has been very bird themed, I was inspired by a programme on the birds of paradise! So that will be next months 😉

Thanks for looking


Decembers Best Bits! sketch a day..

dec 2015.jpgI made December all about portraits as it is a people time of year. I did not sketch as many different people as I imagined , my husband was sketched quite a few times, but then he is in my life a lot so it makes sense looking back.

From focusing on portraits, it was easier to decide what to draw day to day, and it did help to make me feel more confident, having that practice. I was thinking more about how to draw what I was looking at, than what to draw in the first place.

So I think I would put a theme on another month, it was a help not a hinder.

Now into the new year and new Sketchbook !

good sketching to you

A Sketch A Day! Octobers best bits..

Best of Octobers Sketches

Here are a few of the better sketches that I did during october, for the challenge I set myself, randomly, of doing the Sketch a day for a year. I Hope that this will improve my drawing skills and just keep me in the habit of making things and sketching .

I also hope to post at least once a month on here, of my best ones, but I will be posting everyday ( most of the time) on instagram. It is a good motovational tool to help me complete my sketch a day!

If you would like to follow me on there to see everydays attempts, just search alisonsloggett!

Thanks for looking!


Alchemy Show



If anyone is in the Stroud area around the 8th of March and beyond, you should go see this show, free entry and loads of examples of the different printmaking techniques out there.

There is more to prints than the inkjet  😉

Thanks for looking!

Sunday afternooning

Screen Printing on Fabric, and mono printing using a small etching press

Simple Screen printing using paper stencil to make a repeat pattern

Used wiping, cotton buds, and plant material, and taking a second print so sometimes got a positive and negative, when using things like plant bits.


I was invited to attend a little gathering at the Print co operative I recently joined, to meet with some of the other new members. Tea ,chatting and a bit of print making, jolly good Sunday afternoon I think !